Kwikwaystway Pet Program

 Dear Pet Lover,

My name is Slalhenay Enswu7wu, Cherie Baker.  I am a fellow Pet Lover and a certified Veterinary Office Assistant.  I went to school to learn how to care for my four-legged relations, and give back to my people-my community.  The Spay and Neuter program I started, with lots of help from Pacific Animal Foundation, is one step towards my vision of bringing our beloved pets to walk at our side as we journey along the good red road of life. 

Dogs and Cats are just as spiritual as the Wolf and Cougar; better yet, we get to live with them, touch them, love them, and care for them everyday of our lives.  The Creators gift of a pet to love is just as special as his gift of a child.  They were put in our life for a reason and the Creator felt that we are worthy of such a gift.  Skomi7 (dog) was the soldier of our ancestors.  He protected their homes from surprise attacks, helped with the hunt and provided warmth and companionship during the cold months.  Skomi7 represents loyalty and protection, unconditional love and devotion to friends and family.  Push(cat) represents independence, cleverness, and inner power.  Push can see what isn’t there.  We don’t choose our cats, they choose us.  Unlike their wild cousins, dogs and cats are domesticated.  They need us just as much as we need them. 

Spaying and neutering is one of the responsibilities we have to protect our pets.  By having your pet spayed/neutered you have not only prevented unwanted litters, but you have also reduced the risk of you pet from developing cancer by 99%.  Your spayed pet will not develop Pyometra, which can be a life-threatening infection of the uterus and require emergency surgery.  Pregnancies that occur in females that are too young can have a negative affect on the health of both the mother and babies. 

Neutering your cat/dog can avoid the development of some behavioural problems that can damage the human-pet relationship.  Neutering may also extinguish the urge to roam and wander where they can get hurt, hit by a car, consume harmful garbage or contaminated water.  A lack of testosterone also may prevent territorial aggression and scent marking. 

Spaying and neutering may affect the metabolism of your pet and cause him/her to put on weight more easily, if  you allow him/her to over-eat.  Diet is an essential part of your pet's over-all health, and it all comes down to quality – not quantity.  A good diet can prevent so many different illnesses and unnecessary trips to the vet.  I would be happy to talk more with you, should you have any questions or concerns.   I can be reached at : 604 986 4592

Chen kwen men tumi,

Cherie Baker

A Special Huy-chexw to  The Pacific Animal Foundation
for making this program financially possible.  We are grateful to Dr. Burt &
Marine Drive Veterinary Clinic, as well as Dr. Crook & Mosquito Creek Veterinary Clinic  for caring for our four-legged relations.

Pet Program



(The following “Information Sheet” is left with owners after their pet has been to the vet)

Pet Program



  Your pet,                               , was  spayed/neutered on                               ,

 by Dr.                                    of                                                                   .

 Tattoo #:                                       .

 §       Keep your pet inside tonight. 

§       He/she may not be hungry, & may only eat half of what they usually do.

§       An appointment will be made should your pet need suture removal (spay only) in 10-14 days, please let me know if any days are NOT good for you.

§       Other treatments or recommendations:

They will still be dopey when they get home, don’t let them jump up to anything high,, or get over-excited, as they may get hurt.


Notify me, or the doctor, if any of the following should occur:

§       Your pet removes a suture or irritates the incision. 

§       If you notice inflammation and a greenish discharge or if the suture site is hot to the touch.

§       Your pet refuses to eat or is depressed after the first day home.

§       There is a change in your pets general health.

 Cherie Baker

604 986 4592

 Marine Drive Veterinary Hospital

604 988 2177

 Mosquito Creek Veterinary Clinic

604 990 DOGS